My works have started with questions about internet space - behind the screen so-called  Flattened Flat Space. The internet space is flat and flattened because humans see it through a flat screen. It compresses 3-dimensional objects, accumulates all the data all over the world and connects each other. In the iron-ized space- the space is flattened as if it had been ironed, data get stacked on top of each other and flattened again. Eventually, the multiple layers of data lose one dimension and sit on some point on a gridded cloud. Multiple 4-dimensional time-spaces can meet at one point via a screen. Through this translation, human beings turn into bit, which consists of zeros and ones becoming a little dot placed somewhere in the gridded cloud. Existence in physical space becomes flat in the internet space. My works explore the blurry space between the 4D world and Flattened Flat Space through pseudo-scientific educational documentary, digital installation, data collection, research, and sound.

I spend 70% of my time wandering flattened flat screen, the space behind the screen. Flattened Flat Space is linked to the 4D world where I am breathing right now, but my senses are limited in that space. Even though I may touch, I cannot feel the warmth of things. It feels like I may see that space, but at the same time I may not see it. Certainly, this space has been constructed with huge wires and gigantic hardware servers which tie the whole world together. The wires and hardwares are obviously tactile and visible. However, the software is not visible. For me, Flattened Flat Space is invisible and visible.

What does the space look like and how does it work?
Is the screen considered as 2D or 3D or something higher than that?
How does time flow in this digital space?
Would the weather be similar to the weather in physical space?
When human beings turn into bit, does this dot truly reflect human phenomena, emotional status, or relationship with others?
