
대화2: 아랍어, 독일어, 한국어, 만다린어, 폴란드어, 5-채널 오디오, 10분, 9초, 2017
Conversation2: Arabic, German, Korean, Mandarin, Polish, 5-channel audio, 10min 09sec, 2017

대화2: 대화 흐름에 따른 톤 변화, 5겹 비닐 위에 아크릴 드로잉, 30.48x132.08cm, 2017
Conversation2: Changing Tones with the Flow of Conversation, acrylic drawing on 5 layers of vinyl, 30.48x132.08cm, 2017

대화2: 이상한 영어 대본, 나무, 종이, 클립
, 20.32x30.48cm, 2017
Conversation2: The awkward English Script, wood, plain paper, clip, 20.32x30.48cm, 2017
Conversation2: The awkward English Script, wood, plain paper, clip, 20.32x30.48cm, 2017
Conversation2: When the Script Become Utterance, performance, 07min 06sec, 2017

대화2: 발화가 덩어리가 되었을 때, 종이 노트에 메모, 21.59x27.94cm, 2017
Conversation2: When the Utterance Become a Chunk of Content, note taking on paper, 21.59x27.94cm, 2017
video, notes
Satpreet Kahlon
Satpreet Kahlon
Amna Memari
Izabela Jurcewicz
Viktor Hübner
Xingyang Cai
Amna Memari
Izabela Jurcewicz
Viktor Hübner
Xingyang Cai
Cory Lund
Isabel Mattia
Lauren Pegram
Manon Bogerd Wada
Oscar Bedford
Cory Lund
Isabel Mattia
Lauren Pegram
Manon Bogerd Wada
Oscar Bedford